Annual HVAC Service — How A Service Agreement Benefits You


Save Yourself Some Unplanned Issues With an Annual Plan

hvac tech working

Do you want to keep your HVAC system at peak working condition? Would you like to pay less on your utility bills, while enjoying peace of mind that your equipment is functioning safely? The best way to accomplish these goals is to schedule annual HVAC service. Continue reading “Annual HVAC Service — How A Service Agreement Benefits You”

If Your Furnace Didn’t Perform To Expectation This Winter, Consider An Upgrade

furnace upgrade, Long Island, New YorkA New Furnace Installation Can Save You Money and Trouble

Did your furnace not perform as well this winter? Did you notice a difference in comfort from last season? It might be time for a furnace upgrade.   Continue reading “If Your Furnace Didn’t Perform To Expectation This Winter, Consider An Upgrade”

Selecting a Heating & Cooling Contractor? Ask Good Questions, Get Good Answers

Selecting A Heating & Cooling Contractor? Ask Good Questions, Get Good AnswersIf You Are Looking for a High Quality HVAC Contractor, Here are Some Things to Know


Selecting a heating  & cooling contractor  can seem like an overwhelming job, especially when the phone book alone has so many listings. How can  you, the average consumer,  make the choice that best suits your needs? You can start by asking your friends and family for recommendations. Do some homework on the internet and narrow your choices. Next,  interview  a few potential contractors, using the following  questions so you can make an informed choice. Continue reading “Selecting a Heating & Cooling Contractor? Ask Good Questions, Get Good Answers”

New Heating Systems Offer The Perfect Opportunity to Add an Air Purifier

Improve Your Home’s Comfort and Health With an Air Purifier System

Updating or adding a new heating system is a smart move. After the brutal winter we have had in the New York area, installation of a high efficiency heating system can prepare us for next winter and get us ready to reap the rewards of better energy savings. Continue reading “New Heating Systems Offer The Perfect Opportunity to Add an Air Purifier”

Airflow Issues? Maybe Your Air Returns are Lacking.

Having an Effective Air Return Reduces HVAC Stress

If it seems that some of the rooms in your home are comfortable while others are too cool, too warm or stuffy, it could be your air returns.   Most homeowners don’t really think about the air ducts; as long as your HVAC system seems to be functioning, all is OK.   In reality, it could be that inadequate return air ducting is the reason your home isn’t quite as comfortable as you would like.

For the air in your home to feel consistent and comfortable in every room, it is necessary that stale air is drawn out of the room so that heated supply air can enter the room.   This is why it is desirable that air returns are placed in all major rooms, such as the living room, bedrooms and kitchen.

When return air ducts are located only in one or two rooms, the newly heated air coming in to your home has to force through the air in all of the rooms, making your HVAC system work harder.   This also means an inconsistency in temperatures throughout your home.

We know that you don’t give these details much thought; we simply want you to be aware that air returns are essential to your family’s comfort, and to your HVAC system working as efficiently as possible.

If your home is lacking in return air ducts, consider having more installed.   Avoid placing furniture over air returns, or blocking them with wall coverings or other items if located in the wall.   Also, consider having a professional check your return air ducts for air leaks and proper air flow.   You will save on energy costs, and your family will remain comfortable no matter what room they are in.

T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.   We strive to educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).   You can find more information about air returns and other HVAC topics by downloading our free  Home Comfort Resource guide.

Proper Insulation is a Major Factor in Controlling Energy Costs

You are paying just about half of your monthly utility bill to heat or cool your home. Given the tough economic times, all of us are looking for ways to cut our expenses, and significant savings may be found by better controlling your energy costs. Sealing up a home with additional home insulation is an excellent way to save money and make your home more comfortable.

It is especially critical going into the  Long Island  winter that you make sure your home has enough insulation. Insulation is measured or rated in terms of its thermal resistance or R-value.   An R-value indicates the insulation’s resistance to heat flow.  A higher R-value means greater insulating effectiveness.

The R-value depends on the type of insulation, and includes its material, thickness, and density.  When calculating the R-value of a multilayered installation, add the R-values of the individual layers.  Installing more insulation in your home increases the R-value and thus the resistance to heat flow.

Most local utility companies will perform free energy audits to determine if your home has the proper insulation. The attic is one of the first places to check to make sure that air is not escaping through the roof. Outside walls also need to be checked to make sure that air is not escaping to the outside.

It is also important to check around windows and outside vents which are common spots for air infiltration. Where there is a problem, small holes can be drilled in the wall and fine pieces of insulation can be blown into the gap to seal it up.

In addition to installing more home  insulation, there are other energy saving tips that can cut costs. Ask your skilled T.F. O’Brien HVAC technician about installation of a programmable thermostat  or have them perform an air infiltration inspection which will determine exactly how much cool air is coming into the home during the winter.

T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about preventive maintenance and other HVAC topics, please download our free  Home Comfort Resource guide.

Bigger is Not Always Better When Purchasing HVAC Equipment

When it is time to replace heating and air conditioning equipment, it is absolutely essential that you match the size of the unit to the needs of your home. Do not assume that just because a unit has more power it is the appropriate HVAC system for use in your house. Today’s hvac systems come in a variety of sizes for a reason, and you need to choose the one that will be the most efficient at heating and cooling your home.

The best way to determine which of the hvac systems on the market is best suited for your use is to have a home air infiltration inspection. Our skilled technicians have been trained to take the proper measurements to make sure that your system is operating as efficiently as possible when heating and cooling your home. They can also determine how remodeling projects that you have done since your current system was installed will effect how the new one operates.

An air infiltration inspection will determine how tightly your home is sealed. If there is a significant amount of outside air leaking in, the size of your HVAC system may need to be larger to insure proper heating and cooling. A typical 2 ton air conditioning unit will do a fine job cooling a 1200 square foot home but if that home is not sealed well you may need a 2.5 ton unit. Manufacturers recommend 1 ton per 600 square feet of living space but as we learned through our years of experience, one size does not fit all.

If you choose a unit that is too big for your home, you could be wasting your hard-earned energy dollars because your equipment is short-cycling. This also wears out your system’s components more quickly.   Ask us about how to get the HVAC system that is the right size for you.

T.F. O’Brien services the Long Island, New York area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about preventive maintenance and other HVAC topics, please download our free  Home Comfort Resource guide.