Your Fall Furnace Inspection: Did You Skip It?

Have Us Come Out and Check It Before Winter Ends

HVAC contractors recommend a fall furnace inspection to optimize HVAC system efficiency all winter long. However, it’s not too late if you skipped a fall tuneup this year. The comfort in your Long Island home will be dependent on the furnace for another few months. Scheduling an appointment now will yield lower utility and repair bills this season. Continue reading “Your Fall Furnace Inspection: Did You Skip It?”

Ignoring Routine Air Filter Replacement Can Have Serious Consequences

air filter replacement

Make Replacing Your Air Filter a Part of Your Routine


When was the last time you changed your air filter? If you’re like most homeowners, it’s been months, or maybe even years. While most people replace the filter when their home comfort system stops working efficiently, neglecting regular air filter replacement can cause plenty of problems — from higher energy bills to more allergens and lower air quality. Continue reading “Ignoring Routine Air Filter Replacement Can Have Serious Consequences”

Ductwork Obstructions Might Be the Culprit When it Comes to Home Inefficiencies

ductwork obstructions, Long Island, New YorkCheck Your HVAC System’s Ductwork Regularly for Issues

If your energy bills were high this summer when you ran the air conditioner or you have uncomfortable spaces inside your home, you might have ductwork obstructions. Continue reading “Ductwork Obstructions Might Be the Culprit When it Comes to Home Inefficiencies”

Tackle End-of-Season Air Conditioner Maintenance to Prolong System Life

end-of-season a/c maintenance, Long Island, New YorkGive Your AC Some End-of-the-Season Love


As the seasons change, so do your heating and air conditioning requirements. Continue reading “Tackle End-of-Season Air Conditioner Maintenance to Prolong System Life”

Get Your Long Island Home Prepared for Fall With This Maintenance Checklist

fall maintenance checklist, Long Island, New YorkCooler Days are Coming, Here are Ways to Get Your Home Ready


As summer comes to a close and cooler fall days arrive, there’s a lot of prep work to be done both inside and outside your home. Follow this fall maintenance checklist to help safeguard your wallet and your home. Continue reading “Get Your Long Island Home Prepared for Fall With This Maintenance Checklist”

How to Keep the Second Story of Your Long Island Home Comfortably Cool

keep the upstairs cool, Long Island, New YorkYour Home’s Top Story Needs Some Help to Stay Cool


During warmer months, Long Island homeowners rely on their air conditioning system to reduce the rising temperatures. Unfortunately, many people run into a problem trying to keep the upstairs cool since heat rises. Continue reading “How to Keep the Second Story of Your Long Island Home Comfortably Cool”

Time to Map Out a Long-Term Energy Savings Strategy

long-term energy savings strategy-Long Island, New YorkUse the End of Summer to Work On Maximizing Energy Use

Every small step you take to reduce your home energy consumption adds up. But to achieve significant savings over a long period of time, you should devise a long-term energy savings strategy. Continue reading “Time to Map Out a Long-Term Energy Savings Strategy”

A Heat Pump Air Conditioner Needs Regular Maintenance

heat pump air conditioner maintenance, Long Island, New YorkYour heat pump air conditioner requires regular maintenance to keep it running efficiently and to help you save money on your energy costs. Continue reading “A Heat Pump Air Conditioner Needs Regular Maintenance”

Your Springtime Heat Pump Maintenance

heat pump maintenance, Long Island, New YorkWhat You Can Do to Help Your Heat Pump Meet the Demands of Summer Weather

When spring rolls around, it’s a good time for homeowners to take on necessary heat pump maintenance. If you haven’t done it before, or if you need a refresher, here are some step-by-step tips to get you on the right path.

DIY heat pump maintenance

  • Start by hosing off the outside of the unit. Washing the unit with water removes the grime, debris and dead leaves that can get caught in the unit. Make sure that you wait until the weather has warmed up completely and you’re certain you won’t have to use your heat again until the fall. This task helps ensure that the heat pump will continue to run efficiently without dirt buildup.
  • Check your filters and replace or clean them as necessary. You may have disposable glass fiber filters that you can simply discard, or you might have plastic fiber or aluminum mesh filters that require washing and can be reinserted. If you’re not sure, check with your HVAC technician, who can show you how to best take care of your heat pump’s filter needs.
  • Most of the time, your heat pump maintenance won’t include lubrication, but you do need to make sure that dust is periodically removed from the motor. You can use air pressure like a vacuum in reverse mode or an air compressor to clean the dust off of the motor.
  • Make sure that you have your unit inspected by a professional periodically. This is one of the steps  that many forget, and if your heat pump is warrantied, it’s one of the easiest tasks that if not done routinely, can void the manufacturer’s warranty. Professional preventive maintenance can catch issues before they turn into costlier problems.

For more information on heat pump maintenance, or to schedule an appointment, contact the experts at T.F. O’Brien Cooling & Heating. We’re proud to serve homeowners throughout the Long Island area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

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Cutting Your Home Energy Bills Down to Size: Strategic Steps You Can Take Right Now

home energy bills, Long Island, New YorkTrimming Your Energy Consumption Will Save You Money

When it comes to managing your household, every penny counts, especially with energy bills. Continue reading “Cutting Your Home Energy Bills Down to Size: Strategic Steps You Can Take Right Now”